Friday, January 4, 2008

Hellooooo....Is this thing on? ...Yep... Oh Hi!

So here I am blogging for my very first time! Yes, my goal is
Do Something Great In 2008. For me this is something very great!
The Winberg bunch has been more than crazy with the holidays and now the return to school and
We did have a wonderful holiday season. Brian and Parker went snowboarding in Dec. It was Parker's first time and Brian said that by the end of the day he was almost a
Brylea has had two sleepovers at Grandma Laura's and wants to live up there. We just can't compete with all the cousins that live in Salt Lake. She is a big helper and loves to be around people.

Logan decided that he was done with diapers and now only wants to wear Spider man underwear (even to WalMart) no worries though I made him put on some clothes. He got a new Spider man bike for Christmas and a Nintendo DS and hasen't put it down since.
Macy has made the move to climbing on anything that is taller than her! So far no casualties. We'll keep you posted. She is a wild child! She wakes everyone up with a HI!

We all have been jammin' out to Guitar Hero and Brian's new real guitar! Thanks Mom and Dad!
Speaking of Brian...
Brian started a new job with Lincare. Lincare is the biggest Home oxygen company in the USA! He is the Center Manager as well as the Sales Rep for two counties. He is so excited for the opportunities that this new job has to offer and one day move up. He will be traveling quite a bit in the next few months with a trip to Reno NV this month and a two week trip in Feb destination unknown so far!

We feel so blessed that we were able to see both of our families this Christmas! The only thing Mer missed out on was talking to her little bro Will who is serving a mission in Brazil. She was pretty bummed about that.
Mer is still a teacher in primary to the 11-12 year children. She still feel very inadequate for the job but knows that the Lord will help her. She loves spending time with her family and loves that each child brings some spice into her drab life. She is still working on the piano and now has started to play a little guitar on the side. Food storage is the major goal this year!
Well I guess that's it for now! Have a great week and or month and don't forget about us!

Love to all,
The Winberg bunch